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Atico Export Manufacturers and Suppliers

Educational Lab Equipment manufacturers From India

Educational Lab Equipment manufacturers

Atico Export bears the reputation of being the most reliable Educational Lab Equipment manufacturer in India. They have an experience of more than 65 years as the school science lab instruments and educational Lab Equipment exporters. They value the core of science, which is experimentation and research, and for this, their range of educational lab equipments is innovative, engaging, and intriguing. Their supply division, Educational Lab Equipment manufacturers, offers the most comprehensive range of educational lab equipment to educational institutions in both domestic and international markets.

Equipments Exported By Atico Export for Educational lab

Educational Lab Equipments manufacturer and exporters export equipment that bears such fantastic features that they have become the most loved by students and teachers fraternity worldwide: 

  • Every piece of equipment exhibits performance excellence,
  • Easy and safe to use,
  • Extended shelf use and, most importantly, come with a guideline manual. 
  • The entire equipment range enhances excellent learning of subjects like maths and science by providing exposure to experiential learning. 

Educational Lab Equipment Suppliers majorly supply equipment in these categories: 

Here is a glimpse of the Educational Lab Equipments list for educational institutions by Educational Lab Equipment Suppliers. It gives an overview to the educational institutes about what equipment is the latest in the market and about their usage. 

Physics Lab Equipment:

  • Projectile Launcher: It is used to demonstrate projectile motion.
  • Optical Bench: It is used in lens and mirror configurations.
  • Spectrometer: It is a vital equipment that measures the intensity of light at different wavelengths.
  • Electroscope: It helps young minds understand the principles of electrostatics.
  • Newton’s Cradle: Helps students understand the concept of momentum and energy.
  • Wave Tank: Demonstrates wave phenomena.
  • Voltmeter and Ammeter: It is a vital instrument in the educational lab equipments list to measure voltage and current in electrical circuits.
  • Thermometer: For measuring temperature changes in various experiments.

Chemistry Lab Equipment:

  • Bunsen Burner: For heating and sterilizing of chemical equipment and samples.
  • Beakers, Flasks, and Test Tubes: Basic containers for mixing, storing, cooling, heating, and holding liquids.
  • Pipettes and Burettes: Both these equipment are ideal for accurate measurement and dispensing of liquids in small quantities. 
  • Digital pH Meter: It helps to measure accurately the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
  • Analytical Balance: For precise measurement of mass.
  • Distillation Apparatus: Used to separate mixtures based on boiling points.
  • Safety Goggles and Gloves: Protective gear for handling chemicals.
  • Magnetic Stirrer: Stirring solutions with a magnetic field.
  • Desiccators: They keep substances dry.
  • Fume Hood: It contains and ventilates hazardous fumes.

Besides these equipment, Biology Lab Equipment suppliers and exporters provide these equipment in different categories: 

Biology Lab Equipment

  • Microscopes
  • Dissection Kit
  • Incubators
  • Centrifuge
  • Petri Dishes
  • Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus
  • Thermocycler
  • Autoclave
  • pH Buffer Solutions
  • Microtome

Atico Export, the prominent Educational Lab Equipment manufacturer, provides the following laboratory glassware for educational institutions: 

Basic Glassware:

  • Beakers
  • Erlenmeyer Flask
  • Florence Flask
  • Test Tubes
  • Graduated Cylinders
  • Watch Glasses
  • Burettes

Specialized Glassware:

  • Volumetric Pipette
  • Mohr Pipette
  • Pasteur Pipette
  • Volumetric Flasks
  • Condensers
  • Desiccators
  • Dropping Funnels
  • Separatory Funnel
  • Petri Dishes
  • Thermometer Adapter

Advanced Glassware:

  • Fractional Distillation Column
  • Liebig Condenser
  • Schlenk Line Apparatus
  • Gas Collecting Tubes
  • Kjeldahl Flask
  • Rotary Evaporator
  • Pressure Equalizing Addition Funnel
  • Gas Chromatography (GC) Column
  • NMR Tube
  • Reaction Vessel

There is more to the equipment provided by educational lab equipment exporters. Mathematics Lab Kits are also exported and supplied by educational lab equipment exporters. It includes these equipment: 

Mathematics Lab Kits:

  • Geometric Solids: For studying shapes and volumes.
  • Geometry Tool Set: Includes rulers, protractors, compasses, and set squares.
  • Abacus: For learning basic arithmetic operations.
  • Fraction Circles and Bars: Visual aids for understanding fractions and operations on them.
  • Balance Scales: For demonstrating the concept of equality and solving simple equations.
  • Pattern Blocks: Used for exploring geometric patterns and relationships.
  • Place Value Blocks: Demonstrates the concept of place value and operations on numbers.
  • Math Dice: For practicing mental math and basic arithmetic operations.
  • Number Lines: Visual aid for understanding number sequences and operations.

There is a plethora of equipment manufactured and supplied by educational lab equipments manufacturers. The equipment as mentioned above provides an overview. For the detailed description and specifications of these and more equipment manufactured by educational lab equipment manufacturer, it is key to connect with their client service team at the earliest. 

Educational Lab Equipment Supplier 

The global educational system is transcending from the age-old conventional learning to experiential learning. Prominent educational lab equipment suppliers boost this transcendence with their distinctively high-quality educational lab equipments. 

Undoubtedly, it is the educational policies framed by the government after recommendations from educators and leaders from various industries that need execution in the real sense. Now, the best implementation of education policies needs the support of leading educational lab equipment manufacturers and suppliers like Atico export. 

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